Student And Staff Meeting

Innovation, Careers and Enterprise Centre

Giving you the Hartpury Advantage

We help our students to take control of their career development right from their first day at Hartpury.

Our experienced and qualified Innovation, Careers and Enterprise Centre (ICE) team provides professional, work and skills based workshops, careers advice and guidance. The team can also provide employability and enterprise support as well as offering help with finding placements.

We can help you to become the best you can be, not only within your academic study but by supporting you to develop experiences and skills that will ensure you stand out when entering the workplace or apply for university.

We have excellent partnerships and networks with the industries we serve and academic staff who are also practitioners in their field of expertise.

The campus itself hosts professional and commercial activity in all of our key sectors, giving students valuable opportunities to get involved and see industry working first hand.

The Innovation, Careers and Enterprise Centre holds a database of employers and regularly advertises opportunities for students to gain experience in the workplace either as a placement, volunteering or as paid work. Students can also come and meet the Placements team at any time.

We have ongoing relationships with 2,000 local and national businesses offering work placement opportunities.

External placements vary in length and we have additional onsite opportunities for Hartpury Students to work at the Equine Therapy Centre, the Equine Centre and with the Sports Academies.

Every student is assigned a placement tutor to support and prep them for success through our tutorial programme. They act as a central contact throughout their work placement.

If you are interested in welcoming our students for work placements, take a look at our businesses page.

Hartpury’s Innovation, Careers and Enterprise department helps students by supporting them to develop entrepreneurial skills and mindset. The services offered can help students to kickstart their own business or signpost them to our specialist business partners to give additional support.

We offer a service where students will meet the Enterprise Team, who can listen to their business plans and help them network with business contacts to assist in making their business idea come true or signpost to add more business capability to your skillset.

Hartpury is the perfect place to start-up your business, and why wait until you have left to begin? ICE has an Enterprise office space which is physical working space available for students to begin operating their business, in combination with a host of eager external business contacts who are looking forward to working with students.

Start your journey today by emailing


The matrix Standard is the international quality standard for organisations that deliver information, advice and/or guidance (IAG), either as their sole purpose or as part of their service offering.